Dear readers, it is with urgency that we at fingerinnose must notify you that we have discovered intense paranormal activity in the National University of Singapore’s Central Library, Singapore-Malaysia department.
Unexplained occurrences have recurred at regular rates for some time in the Central Library. The bizarre Time Warp phenomenon, for example, starts every weekday night at 2145 hours, where the next 15 minutes of real time are somehow condensed by complex time-flux into 5 minutes, forcing users to leave 10 minutes before the stipulated closing time of 2200 hours. Hellish music always accompanies this event, leading to suspicions of the involvement of satanic cults, or even Singapore Idol contestants.
More recent suspicions of supranormal goings-ons were first aroused when the academy’s wireless systems abruptly stop functioning as irregular intervals, startling several undergraduates into exclamations of ‘tsk!” and “@##$%!”. Further evidence of otherworldly encounters is the shocking revelation divulged by undisclosed laptop users in the rear area of the department, of the discovery that none of the six power sources there actually worked.
NUS is a world-class university with steadily rising financial inlays, and is well-known even in remote regions like Pasir Ris, Tuas, Woodlands and Pulau Ubin. It is impossible that basic resources like power sources can be malfunctioning in such a prestigious institution. Consequently, the suspicious coincidence of failings recorded above can only have supernatural origins.
Conclusive proof of this ghostly infestation is decisively struck home by this uncanny video publicized below, taken from the problematic area.
It shows an obviously possessed man, aged around 46 years, playing about with Chubby the Alien and some keys. As middle-aged men do not play with aliens, keys, or for the matter, allow themselves to be videoed while playing with aliens and keys, the recording is irrefutable proof that the victim is under third-party influence.
The University has already engaged the specialist organization known to the public as the Singapore Paranormal Investigators, to examine and evaluate the situation. While the SPI has yet to enter the library with their extraordinarily expensive, state-of-the-art equipment that shows white fluffy balls wherever they go, a record of their report has already been leaked by unnamed sources, officially concluding that the department is “creepy”.
It is advised that all human-related activities there, like photocopying RBR books, be halted until the authorities can clear the area of the unwelcomed guests.
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26 August 2006
"It is unacceptable to hold on to the belief that the small, icy rock out in the Kuiper Belt is a full-fledged planet," explained IAU chief Buzz Lightyear. Experts say that calling it a "midget planetoid" may be acceptable, but anything beyond that would be crossing the line. Many fear
The IAU is scheduled to report on
Sparking further worries are rumors that
well guys are easily turned on. Guess girls have so many more 'knobs' to twist eh? But more fun than your regular PS2... (PS only got 2 big knobs...).
Gender Stats:
And my personal fave:
How true.
V for Voltaire.